K type boilers

  • K type boilers

    Bottom combustion boiler is the one, in which at the same time not all, but only the fuel in the bottom layer burns. This prolongs the burning time. Moreover, the fuel burns evenly, thus maintaining a stable and high efficiency.
    K-type boilers have a double-conversion boiler design, which allows the smoke to travel a longer way before entering the chimney, thus K-type boilers have a high efficiency of up to 75%.
    These boilers are equipped with a ceramic catalyst to maintain a higher temperature in the combustion zone. There are cleaning openings in the upper part and on the side of the boiler, through which soot is removed from the inner walls of the boiler.
    Drier wood (firewood humidity about 15%, but not more than 20%) is required to burn a boiler of this model. It can also be fired with sawdust, peat briquettes, coal.
    Boilers of this model are produced from 16 kW.